Master course in vigilant leader, upskilling leaders and ERG leadership
Become a vigilant leader, upskill your leaders, and be an ERG leader
An example of vigilant leadership is making informed decisions in real-time while navigating complex situations. Technology, business models, and market conditions are changing at an unprecedented rate, so leaders need to be ready for them. In this context, vigilant leadership is essential to staying ahead of the competition and making sure your organization is set up for success.
Upskilling leaders means learning new skills that will help them advance. If an individual contributor learns data skills, they can move up to management. Getting upskilled isn’t the same as reskilling, where an employee learns new skills to transition into another job.
Your business can maximize its technology investments with upskilling when it comes to digital transformation.
What are Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)?
Companies are starting to form Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). Business Resource Groups (BRGs), Employee Affinity Groups (EAGs), or by another name. Employees usually start these groups to connect with each other, especially those facing cultural challenges. Both companies and employees get a lot out of it.
This master course will cover 5 major topics;
1. Introduction of vigilant leaders, Upskilling leaders and ERG leadership
2. Vigilant leader skills and how to become a vigilant leader
3. what are the top Upskilling leaders skills that make them an excellent leader
4. ERG leadership roles and structure. Skills and ERG leadership development
5. What makes a good ERG leader? What’s the process for starting an ERG?