We can be as wealthy and as successful as we allow ourselves to be. We also have an internal thermostat that regulates our lower and upper limits for money, success and love. This internal thermostat is informed by our beliefs, patterning and identity.
The two stages of life that inform our identity and money beliefs are, believe it or not, (1) from birth to 7/8 years old (2) trauma. This means that we created our money beliefs unconsciously before we were old enough to be given a lesson on finances. Also, when we were older, in moments when our self worth was its lowest!
Regardless of effort and strategies, this internal thermostat runs independently on an unconscious level, sometimes like a runaway train, unless we do the subconscious change work. No matter your circumstances or level of success, this course is designed to transform your relationship with money and your view of wealth, eradicate self sabotaging beliefs, and create a step-by-step new success blueprint.
Add to this, most women feel inadequately prepared to handle finances. And if you were among the few who competently handled their finances, a late-life divorce probably wreaked havoc on your retirement plan and has left you stressed about your future… paralyzed in inaction…paralyzed in discomfort, look no further this course also introduces budget management approaches.
The modules are sequential with each building up the previous and include transformational audios designed to penetrate the subconscious, rapidly releasing old patterning and create a new blueprint for next level success. Topics covered include:
1. Your definition of Money & Wealth
2. Beliefs, Thought Patterns, Language
3. The Inner Critic
4. Sudden Wealth Syndrome
5. Art of Reframing
6. The Stages of Wealth Building
7. The Keys to Financial Mastery
8. The Road to Fulfillment
9. A New Blueprint
10. Integration: The Journey Ahead
The transformation you will experience is at the subconscious level. Over time you’ll see yourself doing things differently and you’ll feel a shift in your body.