This course is designed to help you get your audience talking back to you on your social media channels.
No one wants to create content and get zero interaction back, right?
Does this sound like you?
Posting for the sake of posting
Not being consistent with posting because you don’t have a clue what to post
Scrolling for hours on social media waiting for inspiration to hit you
Blame the algorithm for people not seeing your content
You have the perfect photo but you can’t think of a whitty caption to go with it
Hashtags make you do a big sigh
If you answered yes to any of the above statements, then this course is for you!
In this course, you will learn more about your ideal client, how to brainstorm 100s of content ideas, what content pillars to cover to keep up engaging, my magic content formula that’s so simple to remember, you be able to write your caption without overthinking.
I’m all about making social media content fun and in a way that feel enjoyable. It’s time to throw out the social media rule book that’s mostly outdated and has up in chains with what and what not to do.
It’s time to see social media content with a new prospective.