Psychological Safety is an essential component of a productive, thriving organisation. Research findings have shown how important it is on an individual, team and organisational level. For individuals, it increases work satisfaction and well-being, while reducing chances of burnout. It can mean increased productivity, a happier workforce, and an enhanced business reputation for the organisation. Having a high level of Psychological Safety is vital in achieving these outcomes, and this course will help you to increase yours.
In this course, we will cover:
– What is Psychological Safety? We look at what is meant by the phrase ‘Psychological Safety’.
– Why is Psychological Safety Important? We look at why it’s crucial for a healthy work environment.
– The Main Benefits of Psychological Safety – we look at the advantages to creating this increased level of safety.
– What signs show low Psychological Safety? We look at the giveaway signs of depleted psychological safety.
– How to measure Psychological Safety – we look at how to evaluate your workplace’s psychological safety level.
– What are Interpersonal Risks? We look at what is meant by ‘interpersonal risks’ in the workplace.
– Understanding Mental Health & Stigma within the Workplace – we look at the impact that mental health stigma can have on psychological safety.
– How to Create Psychological Safety – we look at the steps we can take to increase psychological safety within our workplace.