AZ-120: The Microsoft Azure Planning and Administration exam for SAP workloads is for architects of Azure for SAP workloads. Enroll now and become a Microsoft Certified SAP Workloads Specialist for Azure. In this AZ-120 exam practice test, you will receive updated questions developed by our team of Azure experts. This Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads practice tests are designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of the AZ-120: Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads exam objectives and help you pass the subsequent certification exam.
Measured skills:
Migrate SAP workloads to Azure (25-30%)
Design and implement an infrastructure to support SAP workloads (25-30%)
Design and implement HA/DR (high availability and disaster recovery) (20-25%)
Maintain SAP workloads on Azure (15-20%)
Why choose this Practice Test?
Quality test content is extremely important to us so that you are prepared on exam day. We ensure that all exam objectives are covered in depth so that you are ready for any exam question. Our practice tests are written by industry experts in the field. Practice Test Online performance-based simulations provide hands-on experience in the workplace
The questions are similar to exam questions so you can test your knowledge of the exam objectives
Detailed explanations for correct and distracting answers reinforce the material
Certification Mode (timed) prepares students for exam conditions
Instant and detailed score reports tell you exactly what areas to focus on.
Practice tests for students to test their skills. Microsoft, Azure, Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. I do not offer exam dumps or questions for real exams. We offer practical teaching materials for educational purposes. All certification marks used in this instructor’s courses are the property of their respective trademark owners. It does not own or declare any ownership of any of the marks.